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Music matters - Faithless

Music matters - Faithless

05 juli 2015
Heel eerlijk? Hadden ze voor mij geen reünie hoeven te beleggen. Het was heus wel feest in Eindhoven, maar ik miste uiteindelijk toch te veel. Alleen de percussie al: was dat in versie 1.0 een genot om naar te kijken en luisteren, nu visueel al heel gereduceerd en vervolgens niet te horen. De gitarist paste niet, achtergrondzangeres voelde misplaatst, set was over het algemeen vlakjes. Maar we zijn hier niet om te mopperen: er dreef wel weer een deuntje naar boven dat zonder enige twijfel op deze lijst thuishoort. Faithless was toch wel een heel fijn bandje.
You told me to look much further
you told me to walk much more
you told me that music matters

For all those who stood up and were counted
for all those for whom money was no motive
for all those for whom music was a message
I want to thank you
for making me a little more sure
a little more wise and couragious

You told me to look much further
you told me to walk much more
you told me that music matters
and chase the dogs back from my door
I won't stop here
I won't be still until the sun sets
on us all

Under the sheets with my radio
turn down low
so nobody know
it's the late night show
hopin' to hear Hey Joe
Jimmy was my hero
head blown by Type R or was it the true star?
from Dali Lama to Tanamo
Curtis Mayfield
say Kurtis Blow singing into my pillow
and praying I don't dose
until my 9 volt battery goes

You told me to look much further
you told me to walk much more
you told me that music matters
and chase the dogs back from my door
I won't stop here
I won't be still until the sun sets
on us all

You told me to look much further
you told me to walk much more
you told me that music matters
and chase the dogs back from my door
I won't stop here
I won't be still until the sun sets
on us all

You told me that music matters
you told me that music matters
you told me that music matters
you told me that music matters