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The sky above the rain - Marillion

The sky above the rain - Marillion

08 december 2019
Een paar weken geleden zat ie nog in de categorie 'kabbelliedjes', zo'n deuntje dat een beetje aankabbelt maar nooit echt iets met je gaat doen. En toen waren er de strijkertjes, de nieuwe opname, de concerten in Londen en vervolgens de avond in Nijmegen. En daar viel ie opeens wel. Hoe het kan kan het, maar hij is mooi mensen! Dat stuk na 5 minuten en 16 seconden.....
She loves him but she doesn't want him
She used to burn for him but now that's changed

She loves him, but she doesn't want him
she used to burn for him but now that's changed
she knows he knows and she says it isn't so
what else can she say?
but when he reaches out
she turns away

When he talks about it she says he's cruel
so he apologises, counts his blessings
what else can he do?
she used to gaze at him, reach out with her toes to touch him
she still loves him
but she doesn't want him

And in her eyes, he's so much less
than the light heart she met
the laughing boy she used to know

He feels ugly now, and the ugliness
creeps around inside him, until he really is
the animal paws at him, gnaws at him
the silver-back wins over him

And in his pain, and bitter shame, he resents her
the one who loves him

They said they'd never lie
they'd learned their lessons from the last times
they said that they could talk
they could always talk
deceit stirs in them now for reasons good as well as bad

But he wants so much
not to live another lie
to be free and high again
trying to see the blue sky above the rain
trying to see the blue sky above the rain
remembering the blue sky above the pouring rain
he's trying to see the blue sky above the rain

He's flown there and he's seen it
been up there lighter than air, floating in the miracle
but he can't fly until she wants him
he can't burn until she sparks him
he's dressed in lead from toe to head
trying to see the blue sky above the rain
remembering the blue sky above the rain

Maybe they'll talk
soul to soul head to head heart to heart eye to eye
rise up to that blue space above the clouds
where troubles die and tears dry
heading west and climbing
in that place the sun never stops shining
the rain's below us, the rain's below us
the rain's below us, the rain's below us