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These streets - Paolo Nutini

These streets - Paolo Nutini

11 december 2014
Een prima deuntje over loslaten en opnieuw beginnen op een andere plek. Maar dan op z'n Nutini's, wat dan dan ook precies mag zijn. Ik vrees ook hier voor een gevalletje 'uitermate prima debuutplaat, maar dat niveau eigenlijk nooit meer gehaald'. Tegenwoordig zit ie meer in de soul, en toch zet ik deze nog 'n x op.
I fight with my brains to believe my eyes
and it's harder than you think to delay the sadness

Cross the border, into the big bad world
where it takes you 'bout an hour just to cross the road
just to stumble across another poor old soul
from the dreary old lanes into the high street madness
I fight with my brains to believe my eyes
and it's harder than you think to delay the sadness
that creeps up my spine and haunts me through the night
life is good and the girls are gorgeous, suddenly the air smells much greener now
and I'm wandering around with a half pack of cigarettes
searching for the change I've lost somehow

These streets have too many names for me
I'm used to Glenfield Road and spending my time down in Orchy
I'll get used to this eventually I know, I know

Where'd the days go when all we did was play
and the stress that we were under wasn't stress at all
just a run and a jump into a harmless fall
from walking by a high rise to a landmark square
you see millions of people with millions of cares
and I struggle to the train to make my way home
I look at the people as they sit there alone
life is good and the sun is shining, everybody floods to their ideal place
and the children all smile as the boats shuffle by them
trying to pretend that they've got some space

These streets have too many names for me
I'm used to Glenfield road and spending my time down in Orchy
I'll get used to this eventually I know, I know
these streets have too many names for me
I'm used to Glenfield road and spending my time down in Orchy
I'll get used to this eventually I know, I know

Life is good and the girls are gorgeous
suddenly the air smells much greener now
and I'm wandering around with a half pack of cigarettes
seaching for the change I've lost somehow

These streets have too many names for me
I'm used to Glenfield road and spending my time down in Orchy
I'll get used to this eventually I know, I know
these streets have too many names for me
I'm used to Glenfield road and spending my time down in Orchy
I'll get used to this eventually I know, I know
I know, I know, 'cause you keep telling me so.