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You're the best thing - The Style Council

You're the best thing - The Style Council

05 januari 2015
Natuurlijk is het mierzoet, maar ook hier komt Paul Weller op z'n gemak mee weg. Voorbeeld van een heule echte muzikant, niet bang om eens een ander muzikaal pad te bewandelen. En bij de heule echte muzikant klinkt het dan ook nog eens. Geen deuntje voor elke dag, maar voor een 5e januari is ie sowieso perfect.
I could run away but I'd rather stay
in the warmth of your smile lighting up my day

I could be discontent and chase the rainbows end
I might win much more but lose all that is mine
I could be a lot but I know I'm not
I'm content just with the riches that you bring

I might shoot to win and commit the sin
of wanting more than I've already got
I could run away but I'd rather stay
in the warmth of your smile lighting up my day
the one that makes me say

You're the best thing that ever happened to me or my world
you're the best thing that ever happened, so don't go away

I might be a king and steal my peoples things
but I don't go for that power crazy way
all that I could rule I don't check for fools
all that I need is to be left to live my way, listen what I say

You're the best thing that ever happened to me or my world
you're the best thing that ever happened, so don't go away

Your love is all I need, baby, you're the best for me
come and rock my dreams but take the chance for me
your love is all I need, baby, you're the best for me
come and rock my dreams but take the chance for me

You're the best thing that ever happened to me or my world
you're the best thing that ever happened, so don't go away
you're the best thing that ever happened to me or my world
you're the best thing that ever happened, so don't go
don't go, don't you go away