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Road to nowhere - Talking Heads

Road to nowhere - Talking Heads

14 oktober 2015
Een beetje vreemd, maar wel lekker. Zei ik lekker? Heul lekker bedoel ik natuurlijk. Verveelt eigenlijk nooit, zo origineel en pakkend. Er gaan weken, maanden voorbij dat ik er niks van hoor, maar de eerste seconde van een nieuwe ontmoeting is het iedere x weer meteen raak. En dus hoort ie in dit lijstje thuis. Kijken we vervolgens wel weer waar we naartoe gaan.
Would you like to come along
you can help me sing this song
and it's alright, baby it's alright

Well we know where we're going
but we don't know where we've been
and we know what we're knowing
but we can't say what we've seen
and we're not little children
and we know what we want
and the future is certain
give us time to work it out

We're on a road to nowhere, come on inside
we'll take that ride to nowhere, we'll take that ride
feeling okey this morning, and you know
we're on a road to paradise
here we go, here we go

We're on a ride to nowhere, come on inside
taking that ride to nowhere, we'll take that ride
maybe you want me while I'm here, I dont care
even when time isn't on our side
I'll take you there, take you there

We're on a road to nowhere
we're on a road to nowhere
we're on a road to nowhere

There's a city in my mind so come on and take the ride
and it's alright, baby it's alright
and it's very far away, but it's growing day by day
and it's alright, baby it's alright
would you like to come along, you can help me sing this song
and it's alright, baby it's alright
they can tell you what to do, oh god they'll make a fool of you
and it's alright, baby it's alright

There's a city in my mind so come on and take the ride
and it's alright, baby it's alright
and it's very far away, but it's growing day by day
and it's alright, baby it's alright
would you like to come along, you can help me sing this song
and it's alright, baby it's alright
they can tell you what to do, oh god they'll make a fool of you
and it's alright, baby it's alright

We're on a road to nowhere
we're on a road to nowhere
we're on a road to nowhere
we're on a road to nowhere